Conflict Sensitivity & Integration

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Peacebuilding?

Peacebuilding is a broad range of measures implemented in the context of emerging, current, or post-conflict situations & which are explicitly guided & motivated by a primary commitment to the prevention of violent conflict & the promotion of a lasting & sustainable peace (Search for Common Ground).

What is Conflict Sensitivity?

‘A conflict-sensitive approach involves gaining a sound understanding of the two-way interaction between activities & context and acting to minimize negative impacts & maximize positive impacts of the intervention on conflict, within an organization’s given priorities/objectives (mandate)’ (Conflict Sensitivity Community Hub).

How is Conflict Sensitivity Distinct from Peacebuilding?

Whereas conflict sensitivity is defined as developing & implementing programs to work most effectively in conflict, peacebuilding is defined as working on conflict to produce peacebuilding outcomes. For more on the distinction, please see this resource.

Where Can I Have Conversations with Others About Conflict Sensitivity?

To start conversations about & provide insight on topics related to conflict sensitivity, please explore & contribute to our Discussions.

What Are Some Current examples of Conflict Sensitivity in Practice?

For a collection of resources on conflict sensitivity, please visit our Resource Library.

How Can I Find Out Who Else is Working on Conflict Sensitivity?

For a list of organizations & groups working in conflict sensitivity, please see our Collaboration Map.